Saturday, November 12, 2011

November 12, 2011

 Mira and I were up and out of the house early today to head to her friend's birthday party at the bouncy place.  We had to stop first at JoAnn's to pick up a gift.  Having the ability to just have one child to focus my attention on at a time is such a gift.  It was a joy to hold her little hand and walk into the store.  We had fun looking at all the things JoAnn's offered and picking just the right gift for Mira's friend. 

Mira had already made a card for her friend at home and even picked out a necklace she made to give to her.  Mira really does have a kind, giving spirit.

As we left JoAnn's Mira said, "Mommy, this is the best!" and I agreed whole-heartedly.
 Evie is so even tempered and laid back.  She has interesting conversations and I often wonder at the things she comes up with to say.  She rode in the stroller for our walk this afternoon, her request.  She and Joshua had a great dance session to the music from TRON 2.  They were Daddy's little helpers while I was at the birthday party with Mira.  She can sing her ABC's and does it rather well.  Mira is only just getting to be able to do this.  But, what Mira lacks in musical talent she has in droves in drawing capabilities and Jason and I admired the latest coloring she has up on our fridge.
 Josh earned himself a personal pan pizza from Pizza Hut for participating in the Book It program at school.  We set aside today to take the family to Pizza Hut and just Josh got the special pizza.  We ordered a regular sized pizza for the rest of us. 

This is the view coming down the main street in our neighborhood.  The blue off in the distance is the top of the bay.  The trees are still alive with color and I've been curious as to when all of them would be loosing their leaves.  This afternoon was a nice day for a walk and after family nap I took the children out for a short walk.  Josh was itching to ride his bike so he did that after our walk and the girls dug in the dirt. I assume they were 'planting' seeds as they like to do.  I cleaned the porch and periodically had a helper to put something away or sweep.

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